
Product overview
Produktübersicht (de) (Pyrometer, Systemkomponenten, Kalibrierstrahler, Zubehör, Software)
Product overview (en) (pyrometers, system components, calibration sources, accessories, software)
GALAXY SC71 / SC72 / SC73 / SC 75 / SC81 / SC82 / SC83 / SC 85 (de)
GALAXY SC71 / SC72 / SC73 / SC 75 / SC81 / SC82 / SC83 / SC 85 (en)
SC10 (de) (Scan-Adapter für Pyrometer der Serien METIS und SIRIUS)
SC10 (en) (Scanning mirror adaptor for METIS and SIRIUS series pyrometers)
REGULUS RD / RF (de) (Pyrometeroptimierter PID-Prgrammregler im Tischgehäuse oder zum Schalttafeleinbau)
REGULUS RD / RF (en) (Pyrometer-optimized PID program controller in desktop housing or for panel mounting)
calibration sources
SensorTools (Einstell-, Kommunikations- und Analysesoftware für Pyrometer, Regler, Anzeigen und Kalibrierstrahler)
SensorTools (adjustment, communication and analysing software for pyrometers, controllers, displays and calibration sources)
Kalibrier- und Justiersoftware SensorCal3 + CS500-N + CS1500
SensorCal3 calibration and adjustment software + CS500-N + CS1500

Manuals / software / firmware
for pyrometers, scanners, controllers, calibration sources...
Operating manual / software (current firmware can be checked using the SensorTools software)
Enter the model and serial number:
Video tutorials
SensorTools short video tutorials:
- Fastest possible data transfer: Setting of the PC interface from the Windows default to the fastest value.
- Fastest possible data recording: Setting in the software.
- Display of all measurement channels: if using 2-color pyrometers, disply in addition to the ratio temperature the 1-color temperatures and the signal strength.

Accessories for the METIS pyrometer series
Mounting Bracket
Ball and Socket Mounting
Ball and Socket Mounting
Tripod Adapter
for METIS and DIADEM pyrometers.
Mounting Bracket
Mounting Bracket
Aluminum Flange
Cooling Plate
Water Cooling Jacket
for METIS pyrometers.
KG10 / KG13 / KG17 (de)
KG10 / KG13 / KG17 (en)
Cooling Hood
Flange System
for METIS pyrometers.
FS10 / FS13 / FS20 / FS23 (de)
FS10 / FS13 / FS20 / FS23 (en)
Scanning Mirror Adapter SC10
Air Purge Unit
Air Purge Unit
Air Purge Unit
Air Purge Unit
Fiber optic vacuum feedthrough
Deflection mirror
Accessories for the SIRIUS pyrometer series and the POLARIS switch series
Accessories for the CAPELLA handheld pyrometer series
Close-up Lens
for CAPELLA handheld devices.
For spot sizes from 0.4 mm with a focus distance of 150 mm.
Electrical accessories
Wiring Box
Connection Cable
for REGULUS RD to pyrometer.
AR10/ AR11 / AR43/ AR15 / AR17 (de)
AR10/ AR11 / AR43/ AR15 / AR17 (en)
Connection Cable
Device Connection Cable
Connection Cable
Connection Cable
Connection Cable
Profibus cable / terminating resistor.
AK72 / AK73 / AK76 / AK81 (de)
AK72 / AK73 / AK76 / AK81 (en)
Connection Cable
Connection Cable
Interface converter
DIN rail power supply
Desktop power supply
Pyrometer Digital Display
PID Program Controller REGULUS
Programmable control steps, optimized for pyrometers
Direct output of manipulated variable
Extremely fast sampling time
Automatic P-I parameter determination
Profibus Converter
for connecting devices with RS232 or RS485 interface via Profibus
Profinet Converter
for connecting devices with RS232 or RS485 interface via Profinet